Minoryx participates in AMMIC, a platform to develop new therapies for rare diseases
Minoryx is one of the eighth partners that take part in the project AMMIC that aims to develop a platform to advance new therapeutic strategies and drugs for minority diseases like Myotonic dystrophy type 1 and pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma. The project is led by InKemia IUCT and, a part from Minoryx, includes the companies Amiling, Aromics, BCN Peptides, Esteve and QGenomics, and a hospital research institute, VHIR.
AMMIC will promote programs to guide drug candidates through development and help patent new therapeutic solutions. It also aims to promote genetic and epigenetic analysis tools and new screening platforms for research and clinical use. The final aim is to establish the guidelines for a consolidated drug discovery and development system for minority diseases in our country.
AMMIC is one of the 5 projects included in NEXTHEALTH Community: Multidisciplinary solutions for the coming challenges in health, a RIS3CAT community coordinated by Biocat. In June 2016, the government of Catalonia announced the first five RIS3CAT Communities —including NEXTHEALTH— that foster collaborative projects with a high impact on innovation. NEXTHEALTH community is made up of 22 companies from different sectors and 35 stakeholders from the research, development and innovation system.
AMMIC is founded by: